The Ground Floor
The Lanckoroński Collection - Rembrandt's Paintings


The works of art which Karolina Lanckorońska gave to the Royal Castle in 1994 was one of the most invaluable gift’s made in the museum’s history. These paintings included some that had come from King Stanisław August’s gallery and two masterpieces by Rembrandt, which Kazimierz Rzewuski bought in 1815. These later passed by inheritance into the Lanckoroński family. For nearly 200 years the paintings were part of the Lanckoroński collection in Vienna, which was considered to be one of the best private collections in Europe.


The Ground Floor - The Lanckoroński Collection - Rembrandt's Paintings
Grafika - INNO+NPD

1. Portraits of Michał Józef Rzewuski and his wife Ludwika (née Cetner), who founded the collection, and their sons Kazimierz and Franciszek. In 1815 Kazimierz purchased several paintings from the former gallery of King Stanisław August. Kazimierz’s daughter, Ludwika, who married Antoni Józef Lanckoroński in 1793, inherited the collection from her father.

2. Sixteenth- and eighteenth-century European art from the Lanckoroński collection which had formerly been in King Stanisław August’s gallery, including two of the three paintings by Rembrandt in Polish collections: Girl in a Picture Frame and Scholar at his Writing Table; a portrait of Antoine de Bourbon, which is the only painting by Corneille de Lyon in Poland.

3.Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European art from the Lanckoroński collection which had formerly been in King Stanisław August’s gallery, including: Storm at Sea by Ludolf Backhuysen, and two paintings by Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine: Juggler with a Monkey and Fortune Teller.

4.The Gallery of Decorative Arts has on display some of the best examples of goldsmithery, ceramics and glassware, jewellery and miniatures in the collections of the Royal Castle (covering the seventeenth to nineteenth century). Particularly noteworthy is the collection of Polish seventeenth-century table clocks.

5.Formerly the Senators’ Chamber. From the second half of the sixteenth century up to the end of the seventeenth century, the Sejm (Polish parliament) held its sessions in this room. The room has been refurbished with furnishings that allude to the style of the Polish Renaissance.

6.A selection of portraits of Polish rulers and personages in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, including portraits of the Jagiellons and Vasas, portraits which hung in the Marble Room in the seventeenth century, as well as portraits of the Ossoliński family from their gallery in Sterdyń Palace.

7.A selection of portraits of Polish rulers and personages in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, including portraits of the Jagiellons and Vasas, portraits which hung in the Marble Room in the seventeenth century, as well as portraits of the Ossoliński family from their gallery in Sterdyń Palace.

8.The Sculpture Gallery contains a selection of sixteenthto nineteenth-century works made using a variety of techniques and materials (marble, bronze, wood, silver, wax, ivory, terracotta) most of which originate from the collections of the Ciechanowiecki Foundation.

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